Friday, September 10, 2021

RESEARCH: Who are trailers aimed at?

I watched the trailer for three films: Vita and Virginia, Frozen II and Apollo II.

Trailers are usually aimed at the same audience as the film they are showing. People like different types of films but can there can still have a group of certain people looking for a same features. I analysed trailers and attempt to match the potential target audience to the categories below:

My conclusions:

VITA AND VIRGINIA is suited for literary, prestige couples ages 25+. This could also be aimed at woman who like to know about the past of how woman had to be and how times have changed as this film is about two woman falling in love with each other.  This wouldn't be targeted to younger audiences as there are mature themes. It was filmed at a national trust park called Sissinghurst where Vita lived. People who go to national trust parks would enjoy as they would be familiar with the setting. 

FROZE II is suited for both children and adults as the production values are very high making the animation look so real. Disney is targeting young woman to make them feel female empowerment as the main character is a powerful and confident role model. It could also be considered as action as there is battles with magic as well as comedy with the small snowman that some how doesn't melt. Disney promotes wholesome films which is family friendly

APOLLO 11 is suited for teenagers and adults particularly audiences that are interested in history and space craft. Having solely real footage makes the film have an authentic feel to it as it is also good quality. "We were one" has a sense of national pride and value the west achievement. Recently I have watched the trailer for Gravity which appeals more to people who like drama. 

1 comment:

  1. VITA AND VIRGINIA would also be aimed at audiences who enjoy literature and who are familiar with Woolf's oeuvre. As Vita and Virginia were members of the Bloomsbury set, the film would interest audiences interested in the social history, art and politics of the time.


Promo Brief Pack

via GIPHY I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Laura Souter 1860 Main trailer  Teaser trailer A promotion package for a new film, to includ...