Wednesday, September 8, 2021


 Using the FDA's teaching trailers online course, I have started further researching into trailers. Using the resources on the website such as the Booksmart trailer, I have considered the following questions: 

Design by Fia Brown

During my study of the film industry last year, I learnt how both Hollywood majors and UK independent films create different campaigns to achieve their targeted audiences. Film marketing campaigns try and cover many different ways in how the films 'message' is shown to their potential audiences.

1) What do you think are major elements of a film marketing campaign?
One of the major elements of film marketing campaigns are trailers which shows the audience what type of the genre, what actors are in it and what's the film about. For example, Black Panther, the website had convergent links for the trailers, information about the film and links for merchandise. This is very easily accessible to the audience. 

2) Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign?
Trailers are very accessible to the audience as you can find it very easily such as on youtube and on the website like Marvel. It usually will be shown as an advert in the cinema if you are watching a similar type of film. Also marketing can be found on social media from celebrities giving it recognition by posting about it or by making hashtags. Also posters on transport and billboards in main cities get many viewers as people look at it by accident.

3) What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide which films to see?
For me, it depends on what I'm feeling but the majority of the time I look for horror films. As I have seen many different types I now look to test my foreign language skills by watching spanish horror films as I now feel that they are much more scary. My preference are the paranormal horrors which are based on true events because I later enjoy watching the conspiracy theories about them. I like the ones that have hidden meanings so you need to think along with the movie not where you can guess what's going to happen next; not all horrors have a happy or a complete ending to it. 


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Promo Brief Pack

via GIPHY I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Laura Souter 1860 Main trailer  Teaser trailer A promotion package for a new film, to includ...