Friday, September 17, 2021

RESEARCH: When are trailers shown?

Normally, the trailers are produced at the same time as the film is being edited. It is important the timing of the trailer campaigns get released; it has to be shown a lot in advance to get excitement for the release of the film but not so early for the audience to forget about the film before it even comes out. 

Toy Story 4

What do you think will be the main talking points from these trailers?

  • it is a sequel- familiarity 'There are old friends"
  • a new childhood film (1995 toy story - 2019 toy story 4)
  • Summer fun- excited for school to end to go on road trips, funfairs etc
  • Little Bo Peep is a character for girls as she is a strong female character 
  • The quality looks very realistic- animation is very good
  • Sound track of the Beach boys also appeals to adults as it is a band from their time
  • Relatable for the americans- RV trips 
  • Familiar voice- Tom Hanks
  • It is also suitable for parents as there are reassuring comments throughout the movie like "Everything will be ok". "your going to create happy memories" Protecting your children "never knew protecting a child was this hard"
  • Feel good summer movie.

What do you think will be the main talking points from these trailers?
  • Well known actors such as Lily James, 
  • Guest appearances  Ed Sheeran, James Cordan 
  • From the writer of Love Actually 
  • Summer feel good movie; festivals, concerts eating out in sun
  • About one of the most famous bands in a the world
  • Adults will find funny as they grew up listening to The Beatles 
  • Would already be singing along to the title:"Yesterday" 
  • The English could relate to the movie such as the houses. 
The brink

What do you think will be the main talking points from these trailers? 
  • Targeted to adults
  • Political film 
  • Nigel Farage- former UK politician (almost like a celebrity guest)
  • Documentary- like (factual)
  • About Steve Bannon and how America rejected him. 
  • right wing
  • It could inform people about the situation in a more involved way. 
  • Reviews from newspapers such as The Guardian and The New York Times informing the audience that it is a political "must see". 
  • Needs to be released when there is still interest around the issue 


  1. TOY STORY Good work. You identify the many ways in which the trailer appeals to its target audience of both children and adults, such as the familiarity of the sequel, the strong female Bo Peep role model, the summer road trip vibe and the Beach Boys soundtrack. You show clear understanding of the film's summer appeal.
    YESTERDAY You draw attention to the summer festival vibe and the huge appeal of the Beatles as well as the familiarity of star guest appearances.
    THE BRINK You have made a start on your response in class but not completed the work.


Promo Brief Pack

via GIPHY I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Laura Souter 1860 Main trailer  Teaser trailer A promotion package for a new film, to includ...