Thursday, September 9, 2021

Film trailers


The trailer begins with the institutional information (Paramount and Bad Robot) glitching. An inter title comes up using military language such as 'retrieved at incident site'. The hard cut to a found footage getting rewinded. The words 'Surprise' and then a quick black and white snap shot like makes it seem like there was wasn't a very happy surprise as it does another hard cut to an explosion. It does a close up to the explosion and does another black and white freeze frame type. All camera work is hand held so when the head of the statue of liberty came crashing onto the streets, it was very hard to have a clear view. It glitched to another found footage of a man in a dark and scared. It does many rapid hard cuts and then a glitched inter title of the producer. Then more quick moving hard cuts to give the sense of it all being hectic and with no time to relax or you could die. Hard cuts with flashing lights and a man on the phone asking 'where are you?' and a girl saying 'you can't go in the middle of the city' which shows how dangerous it is even though we haven't seen what is causing all the damage and danger. A military officer saying 'there's nothing we can do right now' and 'what ever it is it's winning' which also showing the severity of what is going on. 'Turn that camera off' shows that the authority doesn't want people knowing about whats going on. The sound effects are alien like which gives a slight hint that what is damaging the city is a human. The quick moving shots almost like a montage of the military trying to shoot it down with their huge fire guns to try stop what ever it is. Explosions and smoke everywhere almost resembling a war zone. The guy who had been filming everything that was happening got hit as you can see his feet in the corner of the shot and his friend running towards him. It suddenly went quiet and still filming to create tension and uncertainty about what's going to happen next. The horses walking the empty carriage on the streets and papers floating and falling out of the sky has a very unsettling feel.   


The trailer begins with inter titles appearing on the screen "At 372 miles above the earth There is nothing to carry sound No air pressure No oxygen Life in space is impossible". It then jump cuts to an astronaut getting spun around violently in space with broken pieces exploding from the space craft which makes the audience want to know what has happened. Also with the text they showed before, it makes it more intense. the actor is screaming while there is a voice over of someone trying to get in contact with her. The camera movements are very rapid and not very clear which shows the viewer how the astronauts must be seeing. The music is getting more and more intense until when she lets go and her scream fades out and it all blacks out. It then shows the production companies well known name and logo, Warner Bros. It has a voice over like in the movie as it showing the logo. It then does quick, glitchy cuts of objects floating around in the space craft and to reaching out hands to then the astronaut spinning around alone in space with the voice over 'do you copy?' and her screaming desperately for help. As most audiences know that if you are lost in space you should remain calm and not use up all your oxygen as you will run out faster and suffocate which causes uncertainty if she will survive. The loud black outs make it seem like it is a timer counting down the minutes of oxygen. One of the non- diegetic sounds in the background if the low booming of a heart beat while her repeating 'I can't breathe' which infers she is slowly suffocating. The hard cut close ups show her raw emotion. It then jumps to an inter title showing the directors name which is edited to go to the beat of her breathing. This emphasises she is struggling to breathe. In the background of the montage of her lost in space, getting hit by a space craft, things blowing up her harsh and quick breathes make the audience feel uncomfortable. It also shows clips of a man being with her in space which leaves the viewers something to think about; 'where did he go?'. Inter titles showing names of well known actors such as Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. At the end of the trailer is shows the title, when it will come out in cinemas, production names and actor names.

American Sniper 

The trailer 

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